Join Things4Web conference in SteinkjerOn my way to Steinkjer! From the 25th to the 27th of June the company I'm working for is arranging the international conference...
IoT Exhibition | Things4web, SteinkjerDuring the developer conference Things4Web an exhibition with the topic Internet of Things where arranged at the Town Hall of Steinkjer....
Trønder-Avisa | Sentrum for ny teknologiIt seems like every time I'm visiting Steinkjer I somehow manage to get my face into the newspaper :)
Summer job at Nornir!This summer I got my fist job as an industrial designer! Nornir is an operator company for low power devices and active RFID units....
Steinkjer Avisa | Trening og trygghet med ny teknologiDuring a research trip to Steinkjer me and Freya somehow managed to appear in the local newspaper Steinkjer Avisa. They even got me on...
Inductive charging stationsSome of the designs me and Freya did working for Nornir this summer; Visualizing and developing concepts for inductive charging of IoT...