A-magasinet | Fem navn på designhimmelen: – Derfor ble vi designereI'm featured in A-magasinet from Aftenposten! The article can also be read in the digital version of A-magasinet:...
KOTE | Å designa tryggleik til folketThe architectural magazine KOTE has now released their #7 issue, with atmosphere as the overall theme. Being one of the lucky authors I...
Adrenalin kick at Pecha Kucha!After a game of rock-paper-scissor I was made the girl of honor to present our team and project at Pecha Kucha Oslo. An enormous...
Ammerud Tunnelen gets real!Områdeløft Ammerud just announced that our project Tunnelen has got foundlings to be built! 1.8 Million NOK has been given to the project...
Norsk Form | PRIS TIL OPPLYST KLATRETUNNELhttp://www.norskform.no/Gamle-nettsider/Nyheter/Nytt-fra-Norsk-Form/Pris-til-klatretunnel/
Social Innovation #1 | Norsk Form, AHO WorksNorsk Form has given us the prize for Social Innovation at AHO Works!
Ammerud Tunnelen | AHO WorksWe're exhibiting the project Tunnelen from the 16th -19th of December 2013. Opening Hours Monday 12 - 20 Tuesday 8 - 18 Wednesday 8...
Teaser Movie for the project "Ammerud Tunnelen"Together with The Municipality of Oslo, Områdeløft Ammerud and the inhabitants of Ammerud we're working on a project to transform one...